We provide three levels of servicing depending on your needs.
Routine £54
Ideally carried out every 6 months, this is our regular service package for bikes in a reasonable condition which includes:
Thorough safety inspection.
Tyres checked and correctly inflated.
Chain lubed.
Gears adjusted.
Brakes checked and adjusted.
Bearings checked for signs of wear.
Summary of findings sent to you in a report.​
Clean and polish.
Extensive £90
Ideally carried out once a year or every 6 months for bikes that have frequent use. You receive all the items from a Routine service, plus:
Wheels retrued.​​
Major Overhaul £199
Intended for bikes that are well used and require new wheel, headset and frame bearings. This service includes all the items from the Routine and Extensive services, plus:
Wheel bearings checked and replaced.
Frame bearings checked and replaced.
Headset bearings checked and replaced.
Brakes bled.
​​​​Please note, parts are not included in the price of the service (eg bearings, hydraulic fluid, brake pads etc.)